Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Olson Family

 I haven't finished editing pictures for this shoot yet but I'm to excited to not share a few with you now. I had so much fun with this family. They're such a cute and fun family and I love their kids, they're adorable! So heres a few and hopefully next week I'll have more done.. But for now I'm off to celebrate my little boys 2nd birthday.

This one here is probably one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken!

April had so many cute ideas. This one being one of them. I LOVE it! I hope this is what you had in mind April. Sorry I had to turn it black and white to get it to work. And the "Ps I love you" part can be removed easily if you think it's lame. :)


  1. They look really good! I'm excited to see the rest. can you be a mother of four kids and still have time to be skinny and cute like her?

  2. I know huh! I hope after I've hit 4 kids I can look like she does and be fun like she is too. April's awesome! You'd love her!

  3. Dylan has been in class with Dallin for Kindergarten and 1st grade! He is a cute kid!!

  4. That's right! I forgot Dylan goes to that school too! X loves Dallin he thinks he's so cool. And he loves his cuz Dylan as well. :)

  5. Ashley you are amazing! I LOVE the pictures!!!! You are so fun to work with even with my crazy ideas. Thanks Deb and Jamie (you guys are sweet)We will be calling you again to do another photo shoot :)

  6. Thanks April!:) I had so much fun with your cute lil family!

  7. I LOVE that first candid pic of the whole family. Those are always my favorite. And the bright pink umbrella! Very cute!
