Saturday, October 30, 2010


Happy Halloween! 
I love seeing all the little costumes show up on my door step asking for a Trick or a Treat. 
They're to cute to play tricks on so I load them up with sugar instead. 
These were my favorite Trick-or-Treaters this year. 

Bozo the Clown 


Harry Potter


  1. Way way way way cute! Love all the details. Did you make Fred's costume? I bet they got a ton of candy. Hope you guys had fun!

    Hey, where/how did you get your backdrop? Did you buy one of those backdrop things? Jealous!

  2. Thanks Deb.:) My mom made Freddies costume. Shes the talented seamstress. My family (mom, dad, and sibs) got me the back drop for my birthday last year. It works way better then a sheet. If ya ever need to borrow it just let me know. It's an easy pack up.

  3. Oh that's cool. I didn't know you got haven't even posted pictures with it in it since! You're mom's super talented!
