Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Leaves

Theres an enchanted place in Layton where a castle sits and theres a beautiful hiking trail to see Autumn leaves. You can get there by 
Taking The old Highway to Layton, 
Turn East on Cherry lane. 
Follow the road until Fern wood drive, turn East. 
Follow Fern wood drive until you spot the Castle. You can't miss it! 
I use to go there as a kid and I'd forgotten about it until late last night when the memory popped in my head of how fun the leaves were here. So if you haven't, I highly suggest you do. The leaves are beautiful this year! 

I cheated. The first 3 pics weren't taken in the canyon they were taken from parks around my town. I didn't photoshop these at all they are really this bright and colorful. I LOVE THEM!  They make me happy to look at. :) 

Heres the Castle Pics

The best thing about doing my own photography is I can decide the day of to have my kids pictures taken. I think every mother should take up a hobby in Photography. Purchasing a nice camera is one of the best investments I've ever made. 

This one and the last one I'll have to mess with another day I'm outta time but I like them anyways. 


  1. So cute Ash! I need to get some good fall pics. The colors are just gorgeous right now. I keep telling myself "tomorrow, tomorrow" but gosh darn it, I need to get out there and take some!

  2. So cute! Love all the pictures, the leaves are gorgeous. So are your kids. :)

  3. Cute pics! Freddie has a couple vampire teeth! :)
    I might have to steal your leaves pictures for my already-made scrapbook page since I never got out to take my own (and my camera sucks).
