Monday, November 15, 2010

The Hamblins

My friends Mindy and Zach asked if I'd do their family pictures at Layton park. They love this park because it's where they hung out all the time during their dating years. 
They're a way cute couple with adorable little kids. 
It was freezing outside and the little girls got pretty cold, but, I still think we got some way cute shots. 

I had so much fun with her little boy. He's quite the model. 

Her baby loved playing with the ducks! I got a few pics of her with them 
but then she got to cold to do any more pictures. 


  1. They are AWESOME! Thank you Ashley. They turned out really cute. Your the best!

  2. Awww thanks Min! Glad you like them. Your cute lil family is AWESOME!:)

  3. Very cute! I love the first one on the bridge. Great job!

  4. The second and third pics are my favorite. Our friend Mindy is so pretty! Good thing their kids take after her. :) (kidding, Chase totally looks like Zach)
