Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Andie Jones and Family

I'd forgotten how hard it is to get good lighting for indoor pictures. My wonderful Aunt Roxie hired me to take some pics of her lil family. I thought I had gotten good ones until I got home and found lots of red eye and shadows. *sigh* I was still able to pull some out of the mix tho and if I can talk my Aunt Roxie  into it I'm going to go back for more. :)  I had fun photographing a doggy for my first time tho. My pug is the only dog I've ever done photos of. Andie was so sweet and did a great job modeling for me.
 If only children were this easy. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I love the dog - great shots with the white background and red bow! What a cute Christmas card.
