Saturday, December 4, 2010

Festival of Trees

This post is dedicated to my mama, whose favorite part of Christmas is the trees:) 
We went to the Festival of trees last night. It was hard to get a good pic of any tree because 
1. It was crowded and 
2. My lens only does close ups.
I did get asked if I was with the Newspaper tho. I should have lied and got the hookup so I could get some really nice shots. *Sigh* Oh well perhaps next year. 

Sad news. I'm full on my blogger space. Guess that means it's time to start a new blog. 


  1. I think I just saw more trees on your blog than we saw at the festival. We didn't look at the trees much, but it looks like you did get some great shots. Hope you guys had fun. Did you make it to Temple Square?

    Um, I had the same problem with my salty city blog. I'd recommending sizing down your photos, they are big files (I size all mine down in Photoshop for my photography blog). Also, so I ran out of space on Salty City too so I added a new author - myself. So now when I want to post pictures I have to sign into my new gmail account and upload pictures and then I save it and go back into my old account and write the blog and edit it (because the original blog has the good editing options that added authors don't have.) I didn't want to have to ditch my blog and get a new one just because I ran out of space! Anyway, I don't know if any of that made sense. Let me know if it doesn't and I'll try again.

  2. It's a hassle but it's worth it.

    Also, a tip: I made my new profile the same as my old profile with the same picture and name ("Deb") so in case I'm accidentally signed into the 2nd author account and start commenting on people's blogs they will know it's the same old me.

  3. Your so smart!:) Thanks Deb! I'll have to go in and do that cause yeah I"m really not looking forward to starting a whole new blog. I did open an account with Word press for my pictures, so I could reserve the name Pixie Pixels. One day when I have time to learn it I'll move my photography over there.:) Thanks for all you help!

  4. Oh and no we never made it to Temple square. We didn't end up leaving the trees until quarter to 9 and the visitors center closes at 9. So hopefully we'll make it there sometime this month before the lights are gone.

  5. Glad I could help. Hope you make it to Temple Square!
