Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Roberts Family

I was an hour late to take these pictures because I had the times mixed up and I had the flu that day so I did this pictures in about half an hour. I wasn't happy with the colors or how I placed everybody at first but the more I look at them the more I like them. It was a little difficult to take pictures that I needed to be in. But, we made it work with a handy tri-pod and a timer. 
 Here they are. THE ROBERTS FAMILY (My husband Josh's fam)
Josh's Parents. 
Morgan and Sue. 
Met at BYU and were engaged after 2 months of dating. 

They had 5 Children together. 

Josh is the oldest
He married me and we have 2 boys. X and Fred

Then came Glen
He married Tashina who had a daughter named Sami. 
Glen adopted her as his own. 
They lived in Japan for 3 years! 
Krystal was the only girl. She was married 
 and had 2 kids.
 Ethan and Brooke. 
 Next came Adam
And Kieth is the baby of the Family 

Total Morgan and Sue have 5 Grandchildren. 
Sam, Ethan, Brooke, Exander and Fred

After pictures Grandpa took the kids to the park for being such good kids for the pictures. 
I'm getting pretty tricky with Photoshop. Not all the kids were looking at the camera in the original photo. I cropped heads from other photos to get this gem. Can you guess whose heads were Photo shopped? 


  1. Great photos! I just can't understand why Davin is standing between you and Josh, looks like you're with him...haha. Anyway, everyone looks good and the lighting is great. I can't tell which heads you cropped in the last photo...good job!

  2. You seriously had a flu! I want to look like you when I'm sick. Great pics. I love the coloring...don't question it!

  3. I was thinking the same thing, Deb! All the pics look great. You are really getting good at the whole photography thing!

  4. I know I know! I'm not sure how that happened I was just in a hurry to find a spot and I was the last one and that spot was all that was open. I should have switched the two of them so Davin could be by his family. Told ya the positioning bugged me. :)

  5. It was Brooke and X that were PS
