Thursday, July 8, 2010

Baby Ben

Baby Ben is the sweetest most cuddly little guy EVER! Today we did his 1 year pics or I guess we'll say his 18 mth pics since he turned a year in February. His mama found this cute park (well I had known about it but never thought to do pictures there) and we got some fun shots! Thanks Ben for being my little model today. :)


  1. I LOVE all of them! They turned out way cute. You did an awesome job. Thanks, Ash!

  2. Thanks Mel! The very first one is my favorite of all. :)

  3. Great job! Ben is adorable! I love his outfit and especially his cute shoes!! They all turned out great, and I really like the one with Melissa in it too.

  4. Those shoes are awesome! I love them. I really love the up close one (I think the 4th one down) and the mommy shot. You're amazing Ash, way to shoot those pictures.

  5. Thanks guys. :) I know I LOVED those shoes too. Melissa has such cute taste.

  6. Holy crap, Melissa looks so pretty in that picture!! And Ben is adorable! Is that West Point park?

  7. Yep! Good Ol W. Point. Mel had never been there before until just recently. CRAZY!
