Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Great Salt Lake

This place was my beach when I was a kid. My mom use to take us here on hot afternoons and we'd cool off in the Salty lake. I LOVED it! I thought my boys should experience it and I thought it'd be a fun place for pictures. The song "The Great Salt Lake" by Band of Horses was running through my head the whole time.
 If ya haven't heard it you can listen here. 
 If you've never seen The Great Salt Lake you can get information on it Here. 


  1. Great pictures. I love the one with both of them looking at their feet. Haven't been out there in sooo long...

  2. Great pics. I, too, love the one of the boys looking at their feet.

  3. Very nice pics Ash. Last time we went out there, we were attacked by bugs (seriously!) so we haven't been back since. But it is very pretty and cool to have that in our own backyard.
