Monday, June 14, 2010

Mr. and Mrs Allred

On Saturday I had the opportunity to photograph my very first wedding. It was an awesome wedding! I don't know any girls (besides maybe my lil Sis Rach) that would hike up a mountain side in the rain ON THEIR WEDDING DAY! Heidi is one cool chick and she married herself one great guy. Sorry for the picture overload. I wish it were more organized but I'm short on time. I have tons of more pictures to go through but I know the bride and groom are anxious to see some. So here it is. My first wedding shoot! 

Josh does this thing with his kids called "Super happy fun time" So the wedding invite said "Join us for our Super happy day" I thought this collage would be fitting. :)


  1. Those look great Ash! What a cute couple they make. What a cute family they have! I think it was a success! Great job. Looking forward to seeing more.

  2. Oh and I like the black and white one with the colorful flowers (I've always wondered how people do that). And the little girls looking at the dress is way cute too!

  3. Thanks Deb! It's actually easy. You just duplicate the layer. Then turn the copy black and white and then erase where you want color. Make sense? I'll show ya when I come down Thursday if it doesn't. You should pic up photography like the rest of us moms. You'd stomp us with your mad artistic ability. :)

  4. Oh yeah, that makes sense! I'd like to do photography (not professionally) but don't have the moola for a nice camera. :( Anyway, thanks.

  5. Right! I always forget people need the camera first. :) Maybe one day tho.

  6. Wow, Ash, those turned out great. Good job! They look like a fun couple. It makes me want to get into the picture taking! Maybe one day.

  7. You should Raeanne! It's so much fun! And you take such cute pics of your kids. It's a good hobby for a mommy. :)

  8. Ash, this is Mitch's wife Katie. Josh and Heidi's pictures are gorgeous! We were wanting to know how much you charge. We really need an updated family photo and were trying to decide what to do. Can you email me at and let me know. Thanks!

  9. Good job Ash, I love the one with them under the tree kissing, way cool shot. It looked like a fun wedding.
