Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Walker Family

Now that the Christmas Cards are out, let me introduce ya to my whole  Famn Damily. 
I gotta give a big thank you to my friend Gwen who took time out of her Sunday to come take the shots with me in it. She did an awesome job!

Theres 8 kids so prepare yourself:) 
My mom isn't in this picture.
 Let's just say we call her Mother Teresa and she was M.I.A (off saving the world) 

First born was Steph. She married Pat and they have one daughter named Mercedes
Then came Chaz. He has a son named Hayden and hopefully this year he'll marry this cute red head Alison. 
Next up was me. I married Josh and we have two boys X and Fred and a fat pug named Humphrey. 
Then my little sis Rach was born. She's been with Luke forever and their baby is a dog named Addie. 
My little brother Swenson brought the family to 5 when he was born. Sitting next to him is my baby sister Hannah. 
They're the only 2 left living home. 
This would be Joe and Heather or Bug as we like to call her. They brought the family to 7 until Hannah joined making us complete with 8 kids. 
And from these 8 kids spawn were born. 
1 Granddaughter 3 Grandsons. 
Hannah is considered Grand since she's so young. :) 


  1. So cute! You have a great family. They are always so nice and accepting. Great pictures! Good job Wendy!

  2. What a cute and crazy family! Cute pictures too. You'll have to photoshop your mom in these, that's sad she missed them.

  3. Love the pics, as usual. You are so talented! :)

  4. Thanks everybody!:)
    @Deb- I did PS her in. She hated it, my mom doesn't do pictures. She's one of those silly moms. She'd rather us just say she's off saving the world. Which most the time she really is.:)

  5. I think your mom is gorgeous and should've gotten her little butt in those pics! :)
    No need to thank me, the super nice camera did most of the work. But I had fun so thanks for letting me come feel cool for a bit.
