Sunday, December 12, 2010

Meet the Mcbrides

I LOVE this Family! They were so much fun and had so many great ideas. The dad does professional photography for KSL so he taught me a few tricks and even let me borrow some of his filters that I'm excited to try out. Sorry for the picture overload but I had a hard time choosing which pics to post because I had so many favorites. Thanks for the fun afternoon Mcbride family!

I finally figured out the silhouette trick! With the help of Brian. You have to have the sun directly behind the image and take aim the camera right into the sun. Then with a little photo shop help, you've got yourself some fun silhouettes


  1. Those silhouette pictures are awesome! Looks like a fun family. Way to go! You are so professional.

  2. Those are really good. I like the one where they are kissing and the kids are spying from behind the rock making faces, really funny. Good job.

  3. You do such a good job! I love them :)Love the McBrides! Oh and the pictures on X's Bday is sooo adorable. Malulani would be in heaven...she loves lime green
