Sunday, March 13, 2011


I LOVE this baby! I love her name, her hair, her tiny features. Everything about her! If I were to ever have a girl this is what I'd hope she'd look like. I had a hard time taking her photos at first cause I just wanted to hold  and play with her. But after awhile my photography sense kicked in and I got some fun shots. Wish I would've gotten some of her with her cute brother, but by that time they were both sick of me:) 


  1. Awww, she is so very pretty! I love her and still want to steal her. I like the one of her yawning. And the little butterfly. :)

  2. Very cute! She certainly was cute when I saw her, lots of pretty hair! Good job!

  3. She is adorable! I can see why you want one just liker her. Great job.
