Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Karter

That's Karter, with a "K", gotta have some originality! Today I got to take this cute little guys newborn photos. Well 2 month photos, but close enough. He's a fun baby and even tho it was hot and he was hungry he was still such a sweet baby. His Mom and Dad are big into sports so we got a shot from each one. Thanks baby Karter for being such a great little model! 


  1. I love, love, LOVE that first picture. Something about that soft pink skin wrapped in a soft brown blanket I love! His eyes look incredible. Way good job Ash. You're getting so talented. Nice work!

  2. Thank you sooo much Liz! The encouragement helps a ton! Your the best!(:

  3. Aww, he is WAY cute. And I do love the Karter with a K! :)

  4. Thanks Gwen! I knew you would:)

  5. Oh, why can't they stay that little forever. He is so cute! Too cute actually, almost makes me want another little boy! I love that cuddly age.

  6. I know me too Min, me too:)
